2024-2025 Secondary Application Pool (6th Grade - 12th Grade)


Applying for this position will add your name to the pool of applicants for (any/all) secondary positions for the upcoming school year. 


This includes, but is not limited to:


To Apply:


Upload a copy of the following items to your online application now, or add them to your submitted application as they become available:


If hired, you will be required to provide your official transcripts and teaching certificate to the Human Resources office. You can request that your college email them directly to: humanres@lps.org


Certification Areas:

Consideration for positions is determined by the information you list in the Certification and Preferences sections of the application.  If your certification is pending, please include the certification you will have. 


Application Status:

Once you "save and submit" your application, the status will remain “Pending” until you are “Hired”, or the pool is “Closed.”


